10 Reasons Benjamin Sisko Is Star Trek's Greatest Ever Captain

4. He's A Leader In War

Benjamin Sisko

While a lot of other captains will tell you that they went to war during their time on the show, none of them were ever on the frontlines of an actual war. The difference is that while you might consider yourself embroiled in a conflict with a particular race, you don't get two or three episodes pissing around in holodeck between armed engagements. No Captain in Star Trek history has gone to war in the way that Ben Sisko did.

From being the man at the very forefront of the Federation's first encounters with the Dominion, to personally leading the joint Starfleet, Klingon, and Romulan taskforce that assaulted Cardassia, Sisko was a wartime Captain not seen in the franchise either before or since.

There's a lot more to it than simply being in a lot of combat situations though, and his camaraderie with his crew - even in the face of unconscionable losses and the war slowly being lost - was incredible. Personally toasting every depleted phaser coil showed that he understood what made those under him tick, and dedicated his own energy to keep them going.

Whether it was on the bridge of a ship or, as was literally the case in a number of episodes, in the trenches themselves, Sisko always led from the front.

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