10 Reasons Benjamin Sisko Is Star Trek's Greatest Ever Captain

2. His Character Arc Is Incredible

Benjamin Sisko

Don't get me wrong, if you're the main protagonist of a show that runs for 7 years and produces 176 episodes and you don't have some sort of dramatic character arc then something has gone terribly wrong. But it's the sheer magnitude of Benjamin Sisko's personal journey that's unrivaled in Star Trek.

Initially, we are presented with a broken man being appointed to a broken situation. After losing his wife at the battle of Wolf 359, he tried to raise Jake on his own while holding down a position at the Utopia Planitia shipyards. Being sent out to the furthest reaches of space to help resolve a volatile political situation was enough to bring him to the verge of resigning his commission.

The emotive (and entirely human) voyage he embarks on though, sees him emerging as an inspiring figurehead of both Starfleet's military endeavors and the spiritual development of Bajor itself. He forms unbreakable bonds with his crew and his political peers, he learns to love all over again with Kasidy Yates, and, in the show's final episode, transcends the mortal plane to live in the Celestial Temple.

As personal arc's go, starting as a permanently furious man with 400 axes to grind and ending it as a god-like being who speaks only in riddles is some flex.

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