10 Reasons Why Constantine Must Not Get Cancelled

9. Although Rated As 'Suitable For 14 Years And Over', It's Still Pretty Gory

One of the biggest issues fans of Hellblazer were worried about was Constantine being overly sanitised for TV viewers. The comics are incredibly violent and dark, some dealing with themes such as rape and pornography, so making a TV version that wouldn€™t get restricted to late night cable - yet still kept its dark edge - was going to take some creative thinking. Somehow, Constantine€™s makers managed to get the balance spot on. While not as brutal as the likes of Game of Thrones, the show is still a lot more visceral than other €˜fantasy-dramas€™ such as Grimm. Plus, John says "Boll*cks" a lot, which is always a sign of a good TV show. By continuing Constantine's run, the producers could start including more adult themed stories that are closer to the Hellblazer tales. Maybe in the future there could be episodes made with a higher age restriction, allowing for extra sex and violence to be added - because everyone loves more sex and violence.
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Lover of all things PC. A fan of inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. Remembers when 'geek' was an insult. Still passionately believes Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the greatest game ever made.