10 Reasons DC Rules Superhero TV

8. Crossovers

TV crossovers are a difficult thing, especially when it comes to superheroes, but DC seems up to the task with the upcoming Flash/Arrow crossover known as "The Brave and the Bold". It's not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination, but they've been taking some excellent steps by having Oliver and Barry already appearing in each other's shows, a firm step in the right direction. The crossover between these two heroes will set the standard for superhero television from here on out, as the concept of event television is a seemingly bygone era. Flash and Arrow can bring that back with the epic crossover between their two TV superstars, and it's something they could easily reproduce with other heroes down the road. Future crossovers between Booster Gold and The Flash, paving the way for a Justice League TV movie; DC is carving out their own identity in spectacular ways.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.