10 Reasons DC Rules Superhero TV

3. Spin-Offs

In addition to the current crop of shows that are currently on the air, there's also a slew of new shows being added to the DC line up. Everything from Teen Titans on TNT to Supergirl on CBS and Preacher on AMC, it's a seriously big world out there in superhero television. It's also DC taking chances on characters that no one would have expected, bringing back that old feeling of giving creative people a chance to do something special. The markets these shows are reaching is also phenomenal, as the character driven adventures of the Teen Titans are a great balance to the supernatural-drama of Constantine, and iZombie should be a breakout for the teen girl crowd. In the best example of having something for everyone, DC is reaching out to a worldwide audience to deliver a variety of different shows to a large selection of demographics, and that's great.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.