10 Reasons Deep Space Nine Is Secretly The Best Star Trek

Kirk or Picard? The right answer will always be Sisko.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek is one of the most venerated names in the science fiction community, and while I personally have never been able to get into it as a whole, I won't deny its place in the canon of the genre. I also won't deny that there are some real gems in the various shows and movies that have come out under the Star Trek banner.

And yet none have captured my attention and imagination quite like Deep Space Nine.

The first Star Trek show made after Gene Roddenberry's death, Deep Space Nine is considered the rule breaking bad boy of the franchise by the fandom. There's no other Star Trek show like it, and it's my favorite of the bunch because of it.

But what, specifically, does it do so well that puts it above the legendary original series or the equally revered Next Generation? What is it about Captain Sisko's mission to broker peace between the Federation and the newly liberated planet Bajor that makes it so much more interesting than Kirk and Picard's quest to go where no man has gone before?

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek show of all time, now let's explore why.

10. It Has The Best Cast

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

When it comes to Star Trek, you can always count on the main cast to be full of great actors. It's the supporting cast, minor characters, and one-off guest appearances that are the lottery. Sometimes you get a really good one, but other times the acting is flat out embarrassing.

Hell, even among the main cast, when your leading man is Sir Patrick Stewart, even if someone else is a good actor in their own right, you can clearly see the gap in experience (Wil Wheaton's acting was never more obnoxious than when he had to act opposite to Sir Patrick).

Fortunately, this is a problem that Deep Space Nine never had.

Everyone brought onto the show knew exactly what they were doing, and even when a guest actor wasn't quite up to snuff in comparison, they were never flat out awful. And even beyond the acting, the characters are the most interesting out of the franchise. We'll get to Sisko in a bit, but Kira, Odo, Quark, O'Brian, Dr. Bashir, Sisko's son Jake, all of them are fascinating characters that would be the fan favorites in any other Star Trek show.

Great actors playing great characters, what's not to love?


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?