10 Reasons Family Guy Is The Laziest Show On Television

1. It's Become A Blatant Parody Of Itself

Family Guy Retarded Horse
20th Century Fox

By far the biggest offender when it comes to how lazy Family Guys has gotten is that the writers have practically openly admitted that they're fully aware of how lazy it's gotten.

Among other things, Peter has been scripted to talk about how much they stole from The Simpsons; characters have called out continuity errors and logical issues present in in the show, as well as the repetitive nature of the cutaway gags; the open crawl to It's a Trap (the Return of the Jedi spoof) talks about how they didn't even want to make it; and an episode was even resolved by Peter quite literally magically transporting himself into a locked building by using his cutaway power. This isn't the good, clever kind of self-awareness, this is jumping the shark and then turning around for another go.

When writers resort to practically spoofing their own show, that typically means that even they're sick and tired of its idiotic qualities and practices and that they can't even bring themselves to take their own project seriously. And that's really what every single point on this list boils down to: the writers of Family Guy simply do not care anymore and only do the bare minimum to get by.

Frankly, it seems like it's finally time to put the show to rest and even those making it see that.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.