10 Reasons Family Guy Is The Laziest Show On Television

2. The Writers Are Scared Of Doing Anything Different

Family Guy Retarded Horse

A few years ago, when it was announced that one of Family Guy's main characters would be killed off and replace, it was a genuine glitter of hope. It seemed as though the writers had at long last decided to genuinely shake things up and take the show in a brand-new direction.

True to their word, the season twelve episode, Life of Brian, killed Brian Griffin off in a legitimately heart-wrenching way before replacing him with a new dog named Vinny. So how long did Brian stay dead? Two whole weeks. Brian stayed dead for no more than a fortnight before time travel, the cheapest retcon device in the book, was used to bring him back from the dead and make it so Vinny never came into the picture.

This incident, as well as various other points in this list, such as the overabundance of recycled gags and the lack of any sort of consequences can be traced back to the fact that the writers are too terrified to change anything.

They absolutely refuse to disrupt the status quo even the slightest bit and instead of taking risks that could pay off in the long run, they simply choose to go through the motions week after week.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.