10 Reasons Why We’re All Fry From Futurama
Why it's impossible to deny Philip J. Fry embodies everything about us.
Philip J. Fry - where would we be without him? The lovably flawed delivery boy who ended up in the year 3000 has been making us feel better about ourselves for over ten years, surviving countless dangerous situations, four risky feature length episodes, and a few revamps and cancellations that would make even Family Guy throw in the towel. But he's not just an on screen distraction from our boringly on going state of being - he is a reflection of it. Writers of shows like Futurama and The Simpsons are pretty smart and it's likely that this was always their intention. Face it, there must have been a few times when you saw Fry's shenanigans unfold and suddenly realised that you would probably have done the exact same thing in his position. Maybe it's just me.... There are one or two SPOILER ALERTS, so watch out.