10 Reasons Game Of Thrones Is No Good For George R. R. Martin

8. They Keep Inserting Original Material For No Reason

A Song Of Ice And Fire uses a point-of-view device to put us into the heads of central characters, allowing the story to be told from a third-person-personal perspective for certain of the protagonists. Now, we understand that on a television show, scenes aren€™t usually played from one perspective. We understand that important characters that don€™t get chapters of their own in the novels need foregrounding onscreen. Robb Stark, for example, is mostly seen from his mother€™s point of view in the novels. Littlefinger is another very important character with no chapters of his own. Of course they need representation on television. But there are other ways to allow them time aside from giving them dialogue-heavy scenes that don€™t exist in the novels. There€™s enough material being snipped from the story, there€™s no need to snip more to make room for the new and the irrelevant. In seasons one, two and three, we have numerous newly-created scenes with Littlefinger and various schemers at the court of King€™s Landing in which we establish, once again and for no real reason, that he is not to be trusted and that no one likes him (and more on that in a moment). We have an involved relationship between Tywin Lannister and Arya Stark in season two that simply doesn€™t exist in the books, and doesn€™t affect either character afterwards in the slightest, or move the story forward in any reasonable sense. This occurs over and over in Game Of Thrones, with brand new scenes either telling us information we€™ve already been told or can easily surmise from information we already have, or providing us with a relationship or a conversation that isn€™t necessary and doesn€™t affect either the characters or the narrative.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.