10 Reasons Netflix's Marvel Is Definitely Worth Your Time

9. Long And Complex Plots

The Defenders MCU

The MCU films, although sometimes around 3 hours long, tend to focus on action. In one season of TV shows, there's 13 hours (or thereabouts) of intrigue, tension, conflict, and twists.

We'll be the first to admit that the first season of Iron Fist was, well, a bit too long. But every other season in this epic interconnected franchise is an engaging and gripping ride from start to finish. It's difficult to discuss topic this without giving too much away, but you'll have to trust us that you won't get bored.

The pacing is fantastic (again, pushing aside IF season 1) and flashbacks are intertwined seamlessly and cleverly with the narrative. The narrative never opens with a typical origin story, but rather in medias res. We learn about the character's origin, usually, much later - when it's relevant.

The writers keep us guessing.


An all round nerd from North Wales.