10 Reasons People Stopped Watching The Walking Dead

2. Not Enough Focus On The Zombies

The Walking Dead Rick NeganĀ§

The latest season gave us a few memorable scenes involving the living dead, but the zombies have largely been relegated to bit-part players over the course of the show, making way for a lineup of increasingly ludicrous and brutal human characters for our heroes to overcome, like boss battles in a video game.

Again, this is by design and in keeping with Robert Kirkman's original vision for the story, but when the zombies in your zombie show feel more like set design or props than a true part of the plot, something is clearly wrong.

In the first season, many of the show's most harrowing moments involved the zombies. Who can forget that scene where Rick and Glenn cover themselves in guts and walk out amongst the dead? Or the moment when the group find that hideous bloated zombie in the well on Hershel's farm? The zombies used to be scary and intimidating. It felt like anyone could get infected at any moment. These days, they only seem to exist to provide a bit of action in between scenes of dull dialogue.


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