10 Reasons Star Trek Enterprise Deserves A Second Chance

7. More Shran!

NX 01 Enterprise Star Trek

Serial guest actor Jeffrey Combs appeared on Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise in a multitude of different roles. The fact that he was able to portray these different styles and moods is enjoyable in and of itself but there was an ambiguity he brought to the role of Shran that truly got to display his skills.

While probably most well known for his depiction of the Vorta Weyoun in Deep Space Nine, that character was gloriously evil and smug. Shran is a different beast entirely, fiercely patriotic and harboring a deep distrust of outsiders. Watching his relationship with Archer grow is a joy to watch, spread over the seasons as it is. The image above shows the historic agreement between Shran and the Tellarite ambassador which would lead to the formation of the Federation itself.

Enterprise cleverly sets the stage for the largest alliance of different races to come together, giving them all a chance to shine. But it is Combs as Shran who becomes the defacto 'other' in this attempt. If Archer can convince him of the need for an alliance, then he can convince anyone. There are times when it looks hopeless and other times when it's one step forward, two steps back. In those final moments of the series where Archer walks up the aisle to give the opening address to the new Federation council, the audience knows that in Shran, he has a powerful supporter.

Another wonderful performance by Jeffrey Combs that deserves to be seen again.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick