10 Reasons The Americans Is The Best TV Show You've Never Seen

1. The Finale


I won't dare spoil how the series ends, but I can promise you that it wraps things up in a bittersweet but satisfying way.

Series endings are notoriously difficult to get right. Sure, we've gotten great endings like with Breaking Bad and The Leftovers (another incredible show you probably haven't seen but should), but we've also gotten some disappointing ones like Lost, and disastrous ones like Game of Thrones.

Thankfully, The Americans lands on the other side of the spectrum, not only being a great finale, but arguably the best series finale of the last decade. I won't say much more out of fear of giving too much away, but it's an incredible end for an incredible show.

Well, what are you waiting for? You've got 75 amazing episodes of television to binge through.

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