10 Reasons The Americans Is The Best TV Show You've Never Seen

4. It (Mostly) Gets Better With Each Season


No matter how great a television series is, the quality of its seasons are typically inconsistent. Some get better as they go along, while others rise and fall. The Americans is luckily among the former, save for a slight dip in Season 5.

Season 1 was a solid season of television, introducing us to the Jennings and setting up an intriguing spy story. However, it was season 2 where the show truly came in to its own, which built up the tension and stakes. Seasons 3 and 4 did the same, with each finding new ways to spice up the drama better than the last, which is what makes the show so entertaining to watch.

Season 5 was a bit weaker than the three seasons that preceded it as its plot wasn't quite as intriguing, and it was mostly in service of setting up the final run. It was still very good, just not quite great, much like season 1.

Thankfully, the show came back with a vengeance in its sixth and final season, delivering ten incredible episodes which culminated the drama and suspense the series had been building towards, cementing the show as one of the decade's (if not all-time) great television series.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.