10 Reasons True Blood Should Die The True Death

4. We Don't Actually Like The Heroine

€we don€™t really like Sookie, do we? It should go without saying, but she€™s literally the worst waitress and employee in the world, which is a massive character flaw when you consider that her boss Sam is a close friend. Moreover, he's a close friend that she€™s well aware holds a torch for her, a torch whose embers she isn€™t above blowing on if she feels like it. She constantly puts her vampire boyfriends and their byzantine political agendas before her family and her best friend. This is a woman who consistently gets involved in abusive relationships with obsessed, controlling, much older men who treat her like a possession and drink her blood every time they get stressed, and yet she blames everyone else for the predicaments she finds herself in. And she can€™t look after herself either; putting herself in danger time and time again, Sookie is constantly protected by the men in her life and by her best friend. In season five, Tara reluctantly reassures Bill that Sookie is safe, telling him that she€™s always safe, because she always has someone there ready to take a bullet for her. The last 'someone' was Tara herself, who literally took a shotgun blast to the face protecting her. Sookie had treated Tara like crap for three seasons before that nasty ending to season four: skipping out for a year to Fairyland; traipsing off after her vampire lovers whenever she felt like it; abandoning her best friend to mind control, her boyfriend's murder, suicidal despair and, most horribly, kidnapping and rape. Throughout all of this, Sookie just floats in and out of Tara€™s life between arguments and make-up sex with tall dead guys. Let€™s not even go into the messes that Jason€™s stumbled into without someone with a brain to look after him. It€™s a good thing that boy leads a charmed life. Sookie€™s not our heroine. Let€™s face it, we don€™t really have heroes and heroines here€ there€™s no one in the cast who hasn€™t utterly screwed up and made some brutal, jaw-droppingly stupid decisions, no one left who€™s acting from clear, pure motives, no one really left to root for€
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True Blood
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.