10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

2. An Unlikely Hero For A Reason

Jim Gordon is the protagonist of a show called Gotham. What's wrong with this picture? There's no Batman, yes, but Gordon also isn't that interesting a main character €“ that's why he's a supporting character in a larger story. Granted, Gordon plays a major part in arguably the greatest Batman book of all time; Year One, and his story is brilliant. But Year One is a four-issue story arc and Gotham is likely to be a 10-20-odd episode season. Gordon's simply not going to be fascinating for that long. And Year One was also interesting because we got to see Bruce Wayne becoming Batman €“ which we won't see in Gotham because he's a 10-12 years old! Gordon does become more interesting later on when he becomes Commissioner. His wife gets killed and his daughter gets crippled by Joker, he becomes a major component of the No Man's Land storyline when Gotham becomes an abandoned city left to criminal gangs, and in numerous other Batman stories. But all of these things hinge on Batman and his villains being present. Because Gotham takes place before either exist, we're left with a naïve cop with none of the major adversities that shape his character happening yet and don't look to happen anytime soon. In other words, he's a main character not worth watching. A Batman origin story is interesting; a Jim Gordon one is not.
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Batman Gotham
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