10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

1. The Bat In The Room

By far the biggest problem in a Gotham TV show is the massively felt absence of the character who put Gotham on the map: Batman. Producers have tried to go around this problem by shoving in a token kid to play Bruce Wayne, but that's not what viewers want to see €“ Gotham needs the Dark Knight just like he needs Gotham. It's understandable that producers might not be keen to include Batman because of various problems €“ the cost, plus would the TV show mirror the movies, meaning would they need Ben Affleck to be in the TV show making cameos, or would they cast someone different and throw the proposed DC Universe of TV shows/movie synergy out of whack? But Batman and his rogues are the only aces that could make Gotham a winning hand. Even if Batman doesn't speak and they get a body builder in the outfit to stand in the background, that'd markedly improve interest in the series. It would also mean the inclusion of the villains €“ Joker, Riddler, etc. would all come into play as the icons they are, not dreary prototypes of the antagonists they will be. Bottom line is viewers are going to watch Gotham expecting to see Batman and instead they're going to get a kid and a handful of referential characters like a weird cockney butler, a thieving 14 year old who likes cats, and a number of weak nods to characters they care about in the very early stages of becoming the beloved characters. Gotham can't be Gotham without Batman €“ only Batman can save Gotham and without him, the series will definitely fail. Do you think Gotham will be successful? Are you looking forward to the show? Let us know in the comments below!
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Batman Gotham
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