10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

10. DC's Dismal TV Show Track Record

For some reason, when it comes to the small screen, DC do not produce anything worth watching - they produce garbage. The Superman TV series, Smallville, took the potentially awesome idea of a young Superman slowly discovering his powers and managed to turn it into a cheesy high school dork-drama where Clark was kept out of the costume until the very end. It was the most tenuous of connections to a Superman show fans would actually want to watch. Then there's Arrow, a series which is so ashamed of its comics progenitors that it won't even put "Green" in the title, which is yet another hammy show that takes itself way too seriously and comes off as just silly and embarrassing (look at the promos of guys with their shirts off €“ is that supposed to make comics fans want to watch and bring in straight male viewers, one of the largest demographics?). That Gotham is to follow in the footsteps of these awful shows does not inspire confidence that it will be any different or better than them. It looks like it'll turn into another unwatchable DC TV show crapfest.
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Batman Gotham
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