10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

8. The Leaked Pilot Script 2: Characters, schmaracters!

Besides the coma-inducing dialogue, the leaked script also revealed how poorly conceived the show's characters are in this version of Gotham. Oswald Cobblepot is introduced as a low level goon working his way up the criminal ladder. This interpretation ignores the fact that the Cobblepots are established as one of the founding families of Gotham and are as rich as, if not more so, than the Waynes. Why would Oswald settle for starting at the bottom rung of the ladder when his power, wealth and ego would dictate otherwise? (That's not enough forgetting that one of the characters says of Oswald that he "looks like a penguin" €“ gah!) There are other references to Batman's more famous rogues like the comedian telling bad jokes in a club, which might hint at the Alan Moore Joker origin seen in The Killing Joke where he was originally a failed stand-up comic. And Gordon and Bullock come across a young girl called Ivy with a fondness for plants €“ which ignores the fact that Poison Ivy's real name is Pamela Isley. But then again this doesn't seem like a smart show, so it has to spell things out for the viewer. The worst characterisation is with regards our hero, Jim Gordon, who's written as an open-mouthed, naïve fool who's shocked at the prevalent crime in Gotham. This isn't his first day as a cop, so why should he be surprised at the level of crime in Gotham? Hasn't he heard anything about how terrible crime is in Gotham? Is he not a man of the world? Is he a complete idiot? Gordon is an intelligent, practical, and highly moral man who wouldn't be shocked at the crime and corruption in Gotham because that's not his character. At least in the comics €“ in the TV series? He's a nitwit. And that's not a character an audience can get behind.
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Batman Gotham
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