10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

7. Time To Get Confused

For some reason, Gotham is going to be similar in style to the Gotham Central comics with one major difference €“ Batman won't be in it. However, Bruce Wayne will. A 10 or 12 year old Bruce Wayne. What's that famous Hollywood phrase about not working with kids... Why is Batman not in a show about Gotham and why is he a child? What's so important about showing the origins of characters before they become interesting? It's not. But crucially, once Bruce grows up and becomes 21-22 (about the age he is in Year One when he becomes Batman), Gordon will be in his 40s, Bullock in his 50s (if not 60s), Montoya in her 40s/50s, and everyone else €“ his rogues gallery - will be much older. What's heroic about a young twenty-something in prime physical health going up against middle-aged geezers? Nothing. Setting it in the past is just baffling €“ it's a time when none of the characters become at all interesting, nor is it a time when the most interesting person in the DC Universe, and the whole reason anyone would watch this show, Batman, becomes Batman.
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Batman Gotham
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