10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

5. Gotham Central, Centrally Flawed

Gotham looks to be inspired by the award-winning comic series Gotham Central by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark. It focuses on the Gotham City Police Department and their perspective on the crimes in Gotham perpetuated by villains like the Joker, Mister Freeze, Firefly and so on, plus their relationship with Batman. It's an interesting premise but the way it came off was flawed in one major way: none of the characters were interesting. Characters like Montoya, Bullock and Gordon made brief appearances but the cast was made up of generic cop characters €“ I can't even name them, despite having read the series, because they're so forgettable! Moreover, in most of the Gotham Central storylines, when things got too out of hand the writers had the deus ex machina of Batman, where they could send him in to save the cops and put down any threat single-handedly. It underlined just why Batman is more famous than any of the cops and why he's more interesting to read about than any one of them. And yet, should the producers choose to follow Gotham Central's setup, these are the characters who look to make up the majority of the screen time in Gotham. Granted, it looks like Gordon and Bullock are going to be getting more face time, but who's looking forward to a dull police procedural featuring a cast of nobodies playing nobodies? And that's basically Gotham Central in a nutshell.
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Batman Gotham
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