10 Reasons Why We’ve Already Given Up On The Gotham TV Show

4. Adaptation Problems

Besides featuring a cast of boring police non-characters, Gotham Central did have some high points but these were in relation to Batman and the villains he fought. The first story features Mister Freeze killing some GCPD detectives and the best story of the series, Soft Targets, features the Joker setting up timed sniper rifles around the city to kill Gotham officials (a storyline Christopher Nolan used a lot of in The Dark Knight). The problem here is that there is no Batman €“ Bruce Wayne is a 10-12 year old €“ and there is no Mister Freeze, Joker or any of the brilliant rogues gallery. Penguin is some two-bit street thug and not a crimelord, while Ivy appears to be a pint-sized urban gardener. So the one hook that the Gotham Central series had that worked €“ ordinary police going up against Batman villains €“ isn't in Gotham. Why bother setting this in Gotham at all then? The reason Gotham City is an interesting place is because of the performance artist villains and Batman €“ neither of which are in this series.
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Batman Gotham
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