10 Reasons Why Arrow Needs To Kill Off Oliver Queen

8. You've Already Fooled The Audience Before

Arrow Season 7
The CW

Back during Season 3, Arrow introduced the nefarious Ra's al Ghul into the fold. Played by Matt Nable, this incarnation of Ra's was perfect for the long-form storytelling of Arrow.

That third season's mid-season finale was a true shocker, with Ra's defeating Oliver Queen, running him through with a blade, and then kicking him off a mountain top to his inevitable death. Of course, the mid-season premiere several months later would conveniently see Katana turn up to make sure that Ollie wasn't quite as dead as we were led to believe.

The point here, is that Arrow has already promised the Emerald Archer's death before, only to pull the rug out from under its audience and see Oliver alive and well just one episode later. To do so again - as in, to talk up Green Arrow's death, only to ultimately fail to pull the trigger - would be a slap in the face for those who have stuck with Arrow for its eight-season run.

As the old saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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Senior Writer

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