10 Reasons Why Batman Beyond Was The Best DC Animated Series

3. Splicers

Batman Beyond
Warner Bros.

If one thing DC cartoons are known for, it is their next level world building ability. And they definitely outdid themselves with a certain high school fad in their futuristic animated Batman series.

Batman Beyond showed us a glimpse of the future and some fads that adolescents may be into. While sports, video games, and nightclubs get their own technological advancements, other habits include messing with mother nature’s playbook.

Cosmetic upgrades go from breast augmentation and fake noses to literal mutation. Splicing animal DNA into the human body becomes all the rage in Gotham’s future and, of course, gets out of control. They end up with fangs, leopard spots, tiger eyes, and some take it to too far resulting in aggression and enhanced strength.

Batman is forced to take on these freaks and we end up seeing Terry McGinness becoming a Man-Bat creature at one point. This also added a lot of depth to the series exploring the idea of standing out and introduced the concept of gaining Meta-human status through medical procedures. So Splicers may not play a huge role in the series, they are, however, just too much of a game changer to not get mentioned.


D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.