10 Reasons Why Better Call Saul Could Be As Good As Breaking Bad

2. While Respecting The Breaking Bad Universe, It Feels Fresh And Original

From the opening black and white flash forward scene which kicks off the pilot episode of Better Call Saul, it's apparent that we're going to be revisiting aspects of storylines from Breaking Bad. Since Saul Goodman was such an intrinsic part of Walter White's journey into the criminal underworld, it's to be expected that the series will cross over into Breaking Bad territory on more than one occasion. At the same time, as much fun as it is seeing old familiar faces cropping up in Better Call Saul - not to mention the odd Easter egg here and there - the series is clearly trying to achieve more than just playing second fiddle to its predecessor. Saul Goodman is no Walter White, and Better Call Saul seems to appreciate this from the start, crafting an environment which is in keeping with the Alberquerque of Breaking Bad, but which at the same time is looking at it from a unique angle. The end result is simultaneously familiar and refreshing.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.