10 Reasons Why Doctor Aphra Deserves A Disney+ Series

6. Archaology

Star Wars Doctor Aphra 1
Marvel Comics

Aphra might be a criminal and a thief but she is an archaeologist first and foremost. Well, that's not entirely true. She's equal parts criminal, thief and archaeologist. To be fair, she's probably mostly motivated by greed, but she does make some impressive archaeological finds in her search for fortune and glory.

While the end game is to sell her artifacts to the highest bidder, that doesn't change the fact that she is a talented and brilliant archaeologist. The moral ambivalence she approaches her work with is irrelevant to the situation. She finds things that other people don't believe in, let alone track down.

There is an entire secret history to the Star Wars Universe buried just under the surface of the stories fans have been told. And Doctor Aphra is the right person to dig it up, then sell it for top dollar. Still, a show that follows her on archaeological adventures to the uncharted parts of the galaxy is filled with potential for new stories.

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Ian Goodwillie is a freelance writer based out of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. He has a BA in English Literature from the University of Saskatchewan and completed the Writing Program at Vancouver Film School. More importantly, Ian is also a wrestling fan, comic book reader, video game player and photographer. He loves to write and writes about what he loves. Ian's also an unrepentant, unapologetic Cougar Town fan, a show he will defend until the day he dies.