10 Reasons Why Doctor Who Fans Should Give Martha Jones A Break

8. She Got Kidnapped

As soon as Martha was introduced to the series it looked like the writers were hell bent on giving her the worst time that any companion had ever had ever. That trend has since been beaten by the likes of Amy Pond (seriously, how did she cope?) but back in 2007, poor old Martha was pushed to her emotional, mental and psychical limits... and then some. Take the events of Gridlock, Martha's third episode, for example. She had thus far only accompanied the Doctor on one voyage to the past (which she then wanted to "balance out" with a trip to the future - whatever, Martha, you don't fool us!) and their venture to New Earth - where, coincidentally, the Doctor had previously taken Rose, much to Martha's disdain - proved to be rather eventful indeed when Martha was captured and held hostage (of sorts) by a young couple who needed an extra passenger to fas ttrack their vehicle through the never ending motorway. Or something like that, anyway. Hats off to Martha, though, who showed a tremendous amount of integrity in this scenario. It seemingly didn't take her very long at all to forget that these people had kidnapped her at gun point and after a quick cry and a heartwarming sing song, all had been forgiven. You've got to admire her pluck. This was only the start for Martha. Over the course of her following adventures she would be interrogated by Daleks and pursued by human-pig slaves in a sewer (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks), chased around a cathedral by the terrifying Lazarus (The Lazarus Experiment) and jettisoned into deep space in an escape pot which was hurtling towards a deathly star. Can you blame her for leaving when she did? Thanks but no thanks. Tumblr M0u5ovc0kn1r0w11s Gif
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.