10 Reasons Why Ross Geller Is TV's Biggest Ever Assh*le

8. The One Where He Lies About Getting An Annulment

Ross loves a good wedding. He gets married three times, and three times those unions dissolve spectacularly. However Ross thinks there€™s a bit of a stigma to getting divorced, so after his drunken marriage to Rachel In Las Vegas, he is reluctant to back out. This is despite Rachel wanting an annulment, and Ross agreeing to get one. So he tells Rachel he has arranged one, when in fact he hasn€™t. His embarrassment at being divorced is more important than Rachel€™s desire to end the marriage. In fact, Ross doesn€™t give a toss what Rachel€™s feelings are, because he thinks his have greater merit. When called out on this, he tries to shift the blame to Rachel. Isn€™t that just €œclassic Ross€? There is also clearly a part of Ross who thinks that if they don€™t get divorced, Rachel will have some kind of epiphany and suddenly realise she actually cannot live without him. Basically, he thinks deception is the way to a woman€™s heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvruidbguiY

A man who writes things.