10 Reasons Why The 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie Sucks

8. Everybody Lives! (Because The TARDIS Says So)

Speaking of lazy plot devices, at the very end of the story, things seem bittersweet as both Grace and Chang Lee are killed in their attempts to help the Doctor defeat the Master (Chang Lee finally cottoning onto the fact that the creepy guy in the sunglasses might not be as magnanimous as he first appears). The Doctor has always been steeped in death so viewers might expect at least one of these two potential companions to die, but when they both pop their clogs, it rams home the horror that occurs whenever the Master decides to enact one of his lunatic schemes. However, this is clearly too dark an ending and, with a little bit of hand waving, both Grace and Chang Lee are inexplicably resurrected by the TARDIS. It€™s never explained really how this happened other than the TARDIS seems to have have a moment of being "sentimental". They€™re certainly not regenerated because the Doctor confirms that they€™ve gone somewhere he€™s €œnever been€. Regeneration, after all, is not actually death. Now, some might explain this by the residual energy from the Eye of Harmony being used, and it€™s a plausible explanation as far as these things go. But in pure story terms, its lazy and cheap, making the deaths of Grace and Chang Lee meaningless and leaving a pretty horrid taste in the viewer€™s mouth.
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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.