10 Reasons You Need To Start Watching Outlander
Sing me a song of a lass that is gone. Say, could that lass be I?

Many people like to make jokes about Starz being a subpar premium cable network. However, the network is flying under the radar as one of the best producers of historical fiction and fantasy programming, and they have really struck gold with their now veteran series, Outlander.
The show is based on a series of best-selling novels by Diana Gabaldon. It has a little bit of something for everyone: romance, historical fiction, magic, action, politics, the list could go on. Despite being the most successful series on Starz, and being the face of the network in its promotional materials, it doesn't get the widespread acclaim that it deserves.
The plot follows Claire Beachaump, a World War II combat nurse, who is trying to reconnect with her husband after the war. While on her second honeymoon, she is inexplicably thrown back in time to the 1740's right as the Jacobite Rebellion is revving up. The story follows Claire's adventure as she attempts to navigate the Scottish Highlands without being detected.
Now in the middle of filming its fifth season, Outlander has enamored its fans with its sheer quality of production and acting. Each year fans of the series are shocked to find it being snubbed by the Golden Globes and Emmy's. It has racked up a handful of nominations over the years, mainly Best Actress for Catriona Balfe's phenomenal acting throughout the series, though it has yet to snag a win. It's about time people woke up and smelled the whiskey.
10. Even The Side Characters Are Incredibly Well Developed

The show takes after the books it's based on by presenting us with a series of characters that are unique and well developed. The writing does a fantastic job of making each character, no matter how small, feel like a well rounded whole person. Everyone has their insecurities, their strengths, and their faults.
Even the show's baddies exhibit redeemable qualities, a friendly reminder to viewers that a villain is not a villain to everyone. Each decision, even the poor ones, make complete sense with each character and their actions always have consequences, even if they don't pay off until much further down the line.
Geillis Duncan is the best example of this because no matter how far into the series you get, the viewer is never entirely sure if they love her or hate her. These mixed feelings are a signifier of how beautifully the writing team has crafted her character. While you do find yourself loving and hating the characters to different degrees, this amount of attention to detail is common all across the board when it comes to the show's characters.