10 Reasons You Need To Start Watching Outlander

6. Each Episode Is Visually Stunning

Outlander Tv Series

Many fans of period television are used to having to reconcile the story with its cheesy sets, costumes, and cinematography. Each episode of Outlander looks as though it were a short film, with a huge budget. Whoever is their principal cinematographer should be nominated for every award there is.

The lighting, the attention to detail, the special effects, and the musical score are always top notch. The aesthetic of the show evolves through the seasons, based upon where the characters have traveled. What is even more impressive is that the show seamlessly jumps between times, and the cinematography changes with that as well. Watching Outlander is an experience that never has a jarring moment that shatters the illusion.

The costumes are always a favorite of the fans, especially what they put on Claire. One of the Emmy's the show has been nominated for before are it's costumes, which are so detailed cosplayers have quite a task before them when deciding to pull together a character outfit.

The show has proven that its crew genuinely care about the show, its characters, and most importantly its fans.

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