10 Reasons You Need To Start Watching Outlander

5. Black Jack Randall Is The Villain Of Your Nightmares

Outlander Tv Series

The issue with Jack Randall is that he isn't larger than life. He embodies all of the qualities we see in real-life villains, only put on steroids. He's a man who is sick in the head and in a position of power. Not only that, but he has a twisted kind of vendetta against Jamie. If there is any character that you should expect to unreservedly hate, it is this man.

This doesn't make him a one-dimensional character, however. On the contrary, you spend much of the series unsure of what he is going to do next. Much to Tobias Menzies credit, Jack Randall is someone who can put on a face of civility just long enough to make you think that he may have a softer side. Only to then do something so despicably vile that you don't think you'll ever question his intentions again. That is until the next time we encounter his character.

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