10 Reasons You Need To Start Watching Outlander

4. It Properly Deals With Character Trauma

Outlander Tv Series

Way too many shows have their characters undergo something traumatic and then two episodes later, it's like it never happened. In this show, they address it and it permanently changes the character. They spend a proper amount of time allowing a character to grieve over what has happened to them, without it becoming overbearing.

Every character on this show has something terrible happen to them. Things that you would never wish on your worst enemy. We as the viewer mourn with the character as they process their emotions before they pick themselves up and keep fighting. Outlander is a show about perseverance more than anything else. They make their characters wish they were dead, before allowing them to find happiness again.

These traumas that they put them through change their characters, ever so slightly, and moving forward they affect the decisions they make. A lot of shows make you question where character reactions come from, but Outlander has yet to disappoint on that front.

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