10 Reasons You Need To Watch It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

5. It€™s Not Just About The Main Cast

Charlie-its-always-sunny Like all good sitcoms the main cast of It€™s Always Sunny is complemented by secondary characters. Characters worth noting are the incestuous McPoyle twins and their inbred family and The Waitress who is the unwilling victim of Charlie€™s affection but my favourite without a doubt is Rickety Cricket. Cricket is a high school friend of the gang and the constant victim of their hair-brained schemes. He begins It€™s Always Sunny as a priest but after reuniting with the gang his life starts a downward spiral and he becomes a homeless crack addict with two broken legs, a slashed throat and a hole in his hand. The guy just can€™t catch a break.

Sarah is a journalism student living in London. She likes drinking gin and writing about film and TV.