10 Reasons You Should Be Watching The Harley Quinn TV Show

4. It's A Great Change From The Bleak DC Universe

Harley Quinn
DC Universe

Batman can be dark and sad, and the story of Harley Quinn and her relationship with Joker can be even sadder.

But after Margot Robbie being the best thing about Suicide Squad, and Harley Quinn (the character) being established as a fun and colourful character, the series led by her has everything you need to pallet cleanse the dismal DCEU out of your mouth.

And with everything that's dark, deadly and devastating in the DC universe, fans and newcomers deserve something a little more uplifting. Of course, there is murder and violence in the show but there's a hilarious charm to how it's presented.

DC as a viewing medium has a lot of ground to cover before it can be redeemed as a fun franchise, and the Harley Quinn TV series is a step in the right direction as it's not only entertaining but light on its drama. In the terribly human moments, there's a chuckle to the escapades and character dynamics.

Be it the sweet friendship of Harley and her gang, or Ivy's hilarious romantic sub-plot with the bro-villain Kite Man, the show has fun with its source material.

Which brings us to...


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!