10 Recent Horror TV Episodes You Must See

3. "Gganbu" - Squid Game

Black Mirror Loch Henry

Survival horror Squid Game is non-stop sensational television, but one episode still stands head and shoulders above the rest.

The macabre contests that can be found throughout the series operate like real-life loaded dice, with the deck permanently stacked against the unfortunate 456 players. No episode exemplifies this state of affairs better than the show's sixth instalment - "Gganbu".

The players are instructed to team up, only to make the devastating discovery that they will be playing against each other. Having partnered on the basis of working together, the characters have to bump off their closest allies instead, competing in marble-based contests of their own choosing.

The game's unabated cruelty brings out both the best and worst sides of each character. It's heartbreaking stuff, with Sang-Woo's callous betrayal of Ali and Ji-Yeong's sacrifice serving as some of the series' most emotive moments. Gi-Hun demonstrates just how far his humanity has eroded by taking advantage of Player 001's dementia, only for the old man to invoke floods of tears from the audience when he reveals he has been aware of his deception the whole time.

The waterworks continue as Player 001 still allows Gi-Hun to win, apparently forfeiting his own life as the latter is his gganbu - or "trusted friend" in Korean. Squid Game was 2021's must-see show, and "Gganbu" is unquestionably its most indispensable offering.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.