10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

2. Everything About Amanda - Hijack

Hijack Amanda
Apple TV+

Apple's Idris Elba-starring thriller series Hijack was a pretty taut and entertaining ride for the most part, though took a wild left-turn in its penultimate episode.

The show takes place onboard a hijacked passenger plane during its flight from Dubai to London in more-or-less real time, and at the end of episode six, one of the plane's largely unseen passengers, Amanda (Holly Aird), suddenly pulls out a gun, executes the plane's pilot, and locks herself inside the cockpit.

The final episode subsequently reveals that the hijacking was arranged to crash the stock of the plane's airline, Kingdom Air, because with the villains short-selling against the stock, they stood to profit from the company's stock price plummeting.

As for Amanda? She's blackmailed into flying the plane in order to prevent the bad guys from killing her daughter, and though she initially believes she needs to crash the plane into London in order to secure her daughter's safety, she's eventually persuaded against it by negotiator Sam (Elba).

Moreover, Amanda rather conveniently secures an agreement with the authorities that she won't be arrested upon landing the plane, and indeed, she simply goes free at show's end.

There's just so much silliness here. First, did Amanda really need to shoot the pilot dead rather than simply disable him?

And secondly, would the cops really honour a flimsy immunity agreement? Nothing was signed, and considering she both murdered a man and almost killed hundreds of people by crashing a plane, would anyone really care if they swiftly reneged on it?

The thought of Amanda just going home and returning to her regular life without any blowback whatsoever is just totally laughable.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.