10 Recent TV Scenes That Shocked The World

6. The Flash & Aquaman's Cameos - Peacemaker

Euphoria Cassie
Warner Bros.

Picking just one shocking moment from James Gunn's Peacemaker series sure isn't easy - after all, aren't those opening credits just the greatest thing you've ever seen?

However, the biggest "holy s**t" moment comes in the first series' final episode, when after defeating the villainous Butterflies, Peacemaker (John Cena) and co. witness the belated arrival of the Justice League.

Initially we see Superman, Aquaman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman only in silhouette form, with audiences likely assuming that none of the four Justice League cast members were available for the shoot.

However, the big reveal is that Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa do actually appear as The Flash and Aquaman for a few brief moments in the scene.

It all starts when Peacemaker berates them for being late and tells Aquaman to "go f**k another fish," in a callback to an early gag about his apparent penchant for having sex with fish.

Aquaman then tells The Flash that he's sick of the rumour, to which The Flash retorts that it's not a rumour, and Aquaman ends the exchange by telling him, "f**k you, Barry."

Though the brief scene was clearly thrown together without Miller and Momoa actually being on set at the same time - we never see them share the frame - it was still a majorly crowd-pleasing surprise to close the season out.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.