10 Recent TV Show Mistakes You Won't Believe

7. Fans Spot A Frustrating Continuity Error - And Just Like That...

Anakin Skywalker

When you've been keeping up with the likes of Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of the Sex and the City gang since the very beginning, something as little as a seemingly throwaway line can sometimes leave you fuming at your TV screen.

And that's precisely what went down during the second episode of SATC sequel series And Just Like That... recently, with many a devoted fan noticing a frustrating continuity mistake when Harry throws out a little joke about his mother during a meal with wife Charlotte and their pal Anthony (via Cosmopolitan).

While Harry quipped here that he was "still waiting for any acknowledgement from my mother and she’s been dead 10 years", long-time SATC lovers were quick to blast the inaccurate line as his mom had clearly not been with us for at least 20 years.

Back in season six of the original show, Harry revealed to Charlotte that he could only marry a Jewish girl after promising his mom that he would before she died. That season went down in 2003/4, meaning his mother had been gone for at least double the amount of time Harry stated in this lazily written joke.

And just like that, a ton of dedicated SATC followers were left seething at this casual one-liner.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...