10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

1. The Cleaning Ladies Killed The Researchers - True Detective: Night Country

Chucky President

The big mystery of True Detective's polarising fourth season was - who killed the researchers working at the Tsalal Research Station? 

Well, in the final episode we learn that they weren't forced out into the snow by a supernatural force, but were killed by some of the cleaning ladies working for the station.

The cleaners found evidence of the researchers killing a local woman, Annie Kowtok, and so took it upon themselves to mete out revenge. 

They broke into the facility in the middle of the night, forced the men out into the snow at gunpoint, made them strip, and left them there until they died from exposure.

Given the series' many supernatural leanings, it was quite a surprise for the ultimate resolution to be so "grounded," even if the visual of these gun-totting cleaning ladies bursting into the research station was more than a little silly.

If nothing else, it only further compounded just how divisive the entire season's storytelling approach was.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.