10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

2. Sugar Is An Alien - Sugar

Chucky President
Apple TV+

Apple's new mystery-drama series Sugar stars Colin Farrell as John Sugar, a private detective who is hired by a movie producer to investigate the disappearance of his granddaughter.

Though the show strikes an unconventional note from the jump, with its chaotic camerawork and sly implication that something's a little off with Sugar, who among us saw that big reveal coming?

At the end of the show's sixth episode, we learn that Sugar is in fact an alien, and that the other members of the mysterious "polyglot" society he surrounds him with are also aliens - each of them sent to Earth with vague orders to "observe."

Even accepting Sugar's eccentricities before the big reveal, this remains one of the wildest, most left-field twists in any TV show in recent memory. 

It clashes so jarringly with the series' overall film noir-inspired tone, and yet, it's just fascinatingly weird enough to work, even if it definitely won't hit for everyone.

One can only hope that Apple will renew the show for a second season so we can learn more about precisely what Sugar and his extraterrestrial pals are really up to on Earth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.