10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

9. Asher Goes To Space - The Curse

Chucky President

Nathan Fielder's sublime dark dramedy series The Curse is a totally bewildering and unforgettable experience from start to finish, starring Fielder and Emma Stone as Asher and Whitney Siegel, a married couple who host a reality TV show, Fliplanthropy.

The show covers their attempts to get a season of TV filmed, while also trying to get pregnant, as Asher suffers with a curse apparently placed upon him by a young child in the show's first episode.

But the finale takes a totally bats**t avenue nobody could've seen coming. Suddenly, gravity in the couple's home breaks, causing Asher to end up floating on their bedroom ceiling just as Whitney goes into labour.

Whitney is taken to hospital all while Asher attempts to break free from this gravitational anomaly, which follows him outside the house, where he ends up desperately clinging to a tree.

At episode's end, however, firefighters cut the tree branch, causing Asher to fly upwards into the sky, disappearing from sight. Whitney gives birth, and then we're shown Asher's ultimate fate - floating lifelessly in space.

The Curse was never going to have a conventional ending, but Nathan Fielder taking a presumably fatal trip to space? What the hell!?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.