10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

8. Golden Boy Kills Himself - Gen V

Chucky President
Amazon Prime

Props to Amazon for resisting the urge to give away Gen V's absolutely wild first-episode twist, where superhero Luke Riordan aka Golden Boy (Patrick Schwarzenegger) goes on a violent rampage on campus, killing Professor Brink (Clancy Brown) before taking his own life, using his pyrokinetic abilities to explode himself into a bloody mist.

It's a hugely shocking moment, all the more so as the show's marketing made no inkling at all that Golden Boy wouldn't be sticking around for the long haul, instead presenting him as a main member of the roster.

Between the casting of Patrick Schwarzenegger - yes, son of Arnold - and Golden Boy's stature as a big supe on campus, to see him taken out of the running so soon was a genuinely jaw-dropping surprise.

If nothing else, it proved that The Boys could still catch viewers off-guard, and that despite the IP's enduring penchant for edgy imagery and unhinged twists, it hasn't lost its ability to stun.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.