10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

7. Hank Nuked Shady Sands - Fallout

Chucky President

The Fallout games probably should've conditioned us to be distrustful of parents in this universe, but our collective love for Kyle MacLachlan evidently blinded us.

In the first season's final episode, Lucy (Ella Purnell) is finally reunited with her kidnapped father Hank (MacLachlan), only to learn a horrifying truth - Hank is the one who nuked the NCR capital Shady Sands.

He did so after his wife - and Lucy's mother - Rose fled Vault 33 with their kids upon realising that civilisation had resumed above the surface. 

Hank, seemingly fearful that Vault 33 would be revealed to the surface world, retaliated by retrieving Lucy and her brother Norm (Moisés Arias) and promptly blowing Shady Sands to smithereens.

This in turn transformed Rose into a feral ghoul - the very same one who sits within Moldaver's (Sarita Choudhury) compound when Lucy learns all this information.

That's... a lot to take in, and because that's not enough, Lucy then decides to kill Rose to end her years of suffering. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.