10 Recent TV Show Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

3. Aidan Breaks Up With Carrie - And Just Like That...

Chucky President

The second season of Sex and the City follow-up And Just Like That... brought Carrie's (Sarah Jessica Parker) old flame Aidan (John Corbett) back into the mix, and seemed to be teeing up the pair finally getting their happily ever after when they start dating again.

The pair even move in together later in the season, with Carrie doing the one thing nobody ever expected her to do - move out of her lush New York City apartment.

But because we can't have nice things, in the season finale Aidan's teenage son Wyatt drunkenly crashes his truck, forcing Aidan to realise his sons still need him. At this point, Aidan breaks things off with Carrie, heading back to Virginia to be with his kids.

And that's not all - he gets Carrie to agree to a five-year pause on their relationship, by which time Aidan's kids will be 18 years of age and he'll return to her, or so he claims.

It's a twist that naturally went down like a lead balloon with fans, who felt like they were being jerked around and deprived of a final happy ending for Carrie simply to drag the show out for another couple of seasons.

It comes so wildly out of left field that some have even claimed that Aidan must've planned to dump Carrie all along out of revenge for her cheating on him decades earlier.

All the same, knowing that Carrie is now on the hook for half a decade while Aidan sorts his kids out - which is no guarantee, mind - is... not the big reveal any Sex and the City fan was expecting or hoping for.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.