10 Recent TV Shows That Made ONE Huge Mistake

4. Winston Seems Like A Totally Different Character - The Continental

True Detective

John Wick spin-off series The Continental falls squarely into "not bad, not great" territory - it can't hold a candle to the movies, but as passable entertainment it's basically fine.

Except, that is, for the show's presentation of its protagonist Winston Scott, who was of course played so brilliantly by Ian McShane in the John Wick movies.

Even accepting that The Continental takes place decades before John Wick, this younger version of Winston, played by Colin Woodell, bears such little similarity to his film namesake that it's tough to reconcile they're even the same person.

For starters, Winston speaks here with a distinct American accent despite sporting a more English-skewing transatlantic twang in the John Wick films, which doesn't really make any sense at all. Accents change when people move around, for sure, but this much? Nah.

But beyond that, the gulf between the particulars of Woodell's performance - his mannerisms and tics - and McShane's is distractingly huge, enough that it ultimately proves to be a massive distraction in a show centered entirely around this character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.