10 Recent TV Shows That Made ONE Huge Mistake

3. Having WAY Too Many Episodes - Death & Other Details

True Detective

It was immediately clear from the marketing for Hulu's Death and Other Details that the murder-mystery series was attempting to ride the coattails of Rian Johnson's Knives Out movies.

And honestly, why the hell not? Who doesn't love a goofy whodunnit in an exotic environment packed with quirky characters?

Except, while Johnson's movies have concentrated this all into a tight two-ish hours, Death and Other Details stretched its central mystery out into 10 episodes clocking in at over 40 minutes a-piece.

The result is a show that feels like it's desperately spinning its wheels by the mid-way point, bloating itself out with twisty, circuitous subplots before finally arriving at a big reveal long after most have likely lost interest.

The show's story clearly only had the mileage for around a six-episode mini-series, yet for whatever reason, it went on for almost double that length. 

Couple this with Hulu's decision to release it weekly rather than all at once - which might've persuaded more folk to stick with it - and it's little surprise that the streamer cancelled it after just a single season.

It's a shame, as with a tighter focus this could've been a fun whodunnit anthology series.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.