10 Redeemed TV Characters Who Didn't Deserve It

1. Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother

The Walking Dead Negan

How I Met Your Mother's Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) is undeniably one of the most legendary sitcom characters of all time, in large part due to Neil Patrick Harris' pitch-perfect performance as a prolific womaniser who, let's be honest, is a total sociopath.

Even if his obnoxiously brash personality and general misogyny aren't enough to write him off, remember that Barney straight-up admitted that he probably sold a woman once.

And yet, Barney received an extremely hurried redemption arc - if you can even call it an arc - in the show's series finale, where it's revealed that one of his one-night stands has fallen pregnant and promptly gives birth to a baby girl, Ellie.

All it takes for Barney to abandon his vacuous player lifestyle is one look at his daughter, after which he apparently becomes a devoted father forever more. But it's just too sudden and rushed to be believable or remotely satisfying, even if this is far from the most egregious sin committed by that final episode.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.