10 Redeemed TV Characters Who Didn't Deserve It

2. Negan - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Negan

The Walking Dead's Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is one of the most detestable villains in TV history, a fact cemented by him brutally beating fan favourite character Glenn (Steven Yeun) to death almost immediately after being introduced.

While Negan is a thoroughly entertaining character all the same, in large part due to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's infectiously charismatic performance, later seasons saw Negan transition into something of an anti-hero, and it's never once felt even remotely earned.

A big part of the problem is that The Walking Dead isn't terribly keen to remember Negan's horrific past, and would rather fans simply accept that he's a better man now.

All the same, it's ridiculous seeing him teaming up with Glenn's bereaved partner Maggie (Lauren Cohan) given what he did. This isn't to ignore his many other sins we've witnessed, such as having a harem of "wives," nor the utter delight he consistently took in victimising others.

Sometimes characters do things that are just too heinous to forgive, and that's OK. For the show to pretend otherwise, however, is absolutely absurd.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.